Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.

Laughter is one of the most wonderful things. It can be said as one of the wonders in the world. One of the best stress reliever is a good open laugh. All the stress, tensions in our mind is blown away with a good laugh. It boosts our energy and helps to stay focused more with energy and enthusiasm. In today’s world of busy schedule, people have got so busy that they forget to laugh and enjoy jokes. A person who laughs well will be happier than a person who earns Rs 1cr or even more. A happy person creates a positive vibe around him which brings others close to him. Laughter helps you to reduce aggression and also boosts our social skills as people would prefer company of happy faces rather than sad faces. The fight which has been continued for a long time solved with a smile and hug but most of us doesn’t do that because we are filled with our ego. When we see a person the first thing we do is to smile. It makes them friendly and then we start the conversation. When we listen to the jokes of others and laugh with them, we become closer. A single laughter energizes from within, it naturally affects the organs and thus helps the organs to stay fit and healthy.
So in short, no matter in what situation you are in or how low you feel, if we find a reason to laugh we must not hold back but should laugh aloud which help to relieve stress, fear and enable to solve problem. The distance between people in this world can be reduced only through smile.

                                                                                    -ALAN C JOHN

One thought on “Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.”

  1. Laughter is the best medicine to any pain.To laugh in a serious situation is a art.and we all nees to learn this act as it will help us live a beautiful life.


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