We are what we repeatedly do; excellence, then, is not an act but a habit. —Aristotle

In our life there are many things that we can do but doesn’t make us excellent in all the things. For example, consider driving a car. No one becomes an expert after driving for the first time. Continuous practice is what makes us experts. A person is always known for his acts. The status of a person can depend on how a person does things.

A work becomes a habit when we continuously do it. Our actions define who we are. If we want to be excellent at something then we must do that thing repeatedly until we excel at it. A habit is what we continuously do even unconsciously.  For example if we wanted to be a really great basketball player but all we did was sit and watch other people play basketball and we ourself, never picked up a ball, we would wind up becoming an excellent basketball-watcher but not at all an excellent basketball player, nor a player of any kind.

So rather than going after all the activities and try to excel them it will better to do whatever you have been doing continuously since you naturally becomes an expert.

                                                                               -ALAN C JOHN

2 thoughts on “We are what we repeatedly do; excellence, then, is not an act but a habit. —Aristotle”

  1. The quote is telling that practice makes a man perfect.If we are ready to do any thing good or bad for a continuous 21 days it will become a habit and it is proven too.Yes i am what i am repeatedly doing,my repeated actions are my identity, my repeated actions are my presence,and my repeated actions are my excellence.So like Alan has mentioned rather than going after all the activities and try to excel them it will better to do whatever we have been doing continuously since we will naturally becomes an expert.


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