“Perfectionism is self-abuse of the highest”- Dr. Anne Wilson Schaef


The irony about perfectionism is that an attitude to do something as well as possible  will make you fall short of the mark, both in terms of while you’re doing it and in terms of your ultimate development.

This is because taking risks and making mistakes are vital elements of growth, you’ve got to reach beyond yourself and your current capabilities if you want to get better. Reaching beyond yourself means sometimes falling flat on your face. Making mistakes and falling flat on your face are exactly what is unliking to the perfectionistic attitude. Any signs of failure, of coming up short, are grounds for recrimination and self-doubt. If it’s not perfect it’s not good enough, so you’re going to put checks on the very risk taking behaviors that will help you improve.

In terms of the zone of proximal development, the best way to improve at anything is to ride that edge between the difficulty of what you’re doing and your current level of ability. You want your tasks to be challenging but doable, which means succeeding sometimes but also failing sometimes. The perfectionistic attitude necessarily holds you back from that edge, keeping you within your comfort zone where you can cultivate the appearance of doing it perfectly because it’s not that hard for you. Really it’s only perfect at a lower level of development, not close to what you could eventually be capable of if you were riding your edge and pushing yourself to get better.


“I haven’t failed .I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work”- Thomas Alwa Edison


This is one of the best positive quote that I have ever seen. This one single statement explains the whole life of Edison. He was a person who was never willing to give up. According to him just because it didn’t work the first time doesn’t mean they won’t come up with a way that does work. In our life we need to be persistent. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.

I have seen the quote written this way: ”if I find 10,000 ways something won’t work, I haven’t failed. I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is often a step forward. It is a fact that Thomas Edison tested over 30000 filaments before he came up with his version of a practical Light Bulb. Imagine if he had given up when the first one did not work. His persistence paid off….

So our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is to try just one more time….




Every one of us, like to live in our own comfort zone. It is the best zone in the world for each individual. But if you stay in your comfort zone always, then its time to say goodbye to growth, self -actualization. Staying within the parameters of what we already know provides the benefit of certainty but at a price. Here I would like to quote two beautiful lines of the famous writer John Keats from his poem Ode on a Grecian Urn “heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter”. Yes…..it is really a fact that what we see or face today is good or beautiful but what is waiting us can be something more good….

We can think of existential anxiety as a monster who patrols the boundaries of your comfort zone , threatening us with annihilation if we try to step beyond these boundaries. It can be useful to realize that while the purpose of anxiety n nature was to protect our physical survival by making us painfully aware of the physical threats,things have grown more complicated in the modern world,and much of the existential anxiety we feel is symbolic.it is our unconscious fear that keeps us away from taking the risk, it is the fear of shame, failure etc.So the only thing that we need to think in a risk taking situation is that “I AM CAPABLE OF MORE THAN I THINK” or” YOU ARE CAPABLE OF MORE THAN YOU THINK”.The simple act of stepping outside of our comfort zone, win, lose, or draw, will expand the boundaries of that comfort zone as we realize that the consequences of things going badly are not nearly as bad as we feared .


What we think, or what we know, or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence. The only consequence is what we do. —John Ruskin

It is not what we think or believe becomes our symbol, it is what we do. Whether good or bad, the status of a person in the minds of others is determined by the activity or work they do. It is like an iceberg. What we think or believe is not known to others, what they see is what we do or what we show to them. So whatever ideologies we think we need to show it to others through our life. The things should an example of what we believe. Some of the greatest personalities like Mahatma Gandhi, A.P.J Abdul Kalam had made their own life a path to walk through. They all did what they believed in. They behaved in the way they were rather than putting a mask on the face.

A person can get angry at you only when you do something. It doesn’t matter how you think until you do something which creates a problem for others. We do things according to our perception and culture but that need not be the same for others as their perception and culture can be different from ours. Just like the theory that “every action has an equal and opposite reaction”, every activity or doing will have after effect or consequence which can be positive or negative.


We are what we repeatedly do; excellence, then, is not an act but a habit. —Aristotle

In our life there are many things that we can do but doesn’t make us excellent in all the things. For example, consider driving a car. No one becomes an expert after driving for the first time. Continuous practice is what makes us experts. A person is always known for his acts. The status of a person can depend on how a person does things.

A work becomes a habit when we continuously do it. Our actions define who we are. If we want to be excellent at something then we must do that thing repeatedly until we excel at it. A habit is what we continuously do even unconsciously.  For example if we wanted to be a really great basketball player but all we did was sit and watch other people play basketball and we ourself, never picked up a ball, we would wind up becoming an excellent basketball-watcher but not at all an excellent basketball player, nor a player of any kind.

So rather than going after all the activities and try to excel them it will better to do whatever you have been doing continuously since you naturally becomes an expert.

                                                                               -ALAN C JOHN

Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.

Laughter is one of the most wonderful things. It can be said as one of the wonders in the world. One of the best stress reliever is a good open laugh. All the stress, tensions in our mind is blown away with a good laugh. It boosts our energy and helps to stay focused more with energy and enthusiasm. In today’s world of busy schedule, people have got so busy that they forget to laugh and enjoy jokes. A person who laughs well will be happier than a person who earns Rs 1cr or even more. A happy person creates a positive vibe around him which brings others close to him. Laughter helps you to reduce aggression and also boosts our social skills as people would prefer company of happy faces rather than sad faces. The fight which has been continued for a long time solved with a smile and hug but most of us doesn’t do that because we are filled with our ego. When we see a person the first thing we do is to smile. It makes them friendly and then we start the conversation. When we listen to the jokes of others and laugh with them, we become closer. A single laughter energizes from within, it naturally affects the organs and thus helps the organs to stay fit and healthy.
So in short, no matter in what situation you are in or how low you feel, if we find a reason to laugh we must not hold back but should laugh aloud which help to relieve stress, fear and enable to solve problem. The distance between people in this world can be reduced only through smile.

                                                                                    -ALAN C JOHN

. “The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.”

Vinci Lombardi says that the only difference between a successful person and failed person is the lack of will to do it again. One is not a loser until he himself thinks like it. We all have the same ability the only difference is the lack of will to do. No person becomes successful in the first attempt. Failures are the stepping stones to success. We should learn from the failures rather than be afraid of it. If there is a will there is way. All we need is the right attitude to do the work in the perfect way. If we have the will to do something all other problems are just a problem that will be solved very easily. So have a right positive attitude towards the life and live successfully.


“The best way out is always through.”

This is a famous quote by Robert frost .it says that the best way to solve a problem is to face it .there may be easy way out but by doing it we do not become competent. We should always face our fear so that we may totally overcome it. We can overcome a problem only by solving it, walking away from problem will not solve the problem, so it will occur again. And we may not walk away all the time some time we will have to face it.


“Nothing that you plan is going to work out. Everything is going to be totally different than the way you expected. And things will constantly challenge you. Wherever you look the world is not as solid it seems to be”

It is a quote by Eckhart tolle, it explains the reality of the life. We may have big expectation about life when we are young but as we grow we come to know about harsh realities of life, we are faced by many challenges. But we should understand it and live the life. Getting dishearten for everything not working out the way we planned it is a bad way of living then life. Because if we do so all we will have time is to get disheartened. So we shall face the life as it comes and live happily.


I am not afraid of an army of lions led by sheep, I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.

A great saying by a great leader, alexander the great. He shows the importance of a leader. Even if a weak team is led by a powerful leader than leader will inspire his team and achieve success. A team is measured by the leader who leads the team. Leader possesses the power to motivate and even manipulate the team members to work harder and strive for success. These words contain deep meaning within it. This quote emphasizes the good quality requirement of the leader. Having good team members doesn’t mean that they will succeed.  A good quality possessing leader is essential for the success of the work because he is the one who gives orders and takes the important decisions regarding the performance of work by the team. So a good leader alone is enough for the success of the whole team. A talented leader himself can make big difference.